I thought I would answer one of the comments from a previous post from my favorite liberal blogger Sims. You can read his comment in the post, “America’s love fest with Ahmadinejad.”
His answer to my post "America's love fest with Ahmadinejad" is why I always say, “you can be friends with a Democrat, but never give him/her the reigns of power.” Sims like most Democrats fail to understand the difference between the Cold War and the war with Radical Islam. Bush calls it a war on terror. I say that is dishonest. We are not fighting a war on terror, we are fighting a war with Radical Islam. The Cold War was a dangerous period in history, but I believe we are in a much more perilous situation now than we ever were during the Cold War (except for maybe the Cuban missile crisis.).
I always hear the Democrats or the liberals say I don't fear the terrorists. Of course, how can one fear that which he/she does not believe? The Democrats do not believe there is a war on terror. They do not believe Islam's goal is to take over the world even when there have been reams of books written on the subject by people who have lived it, but then again Democrats do not even believe evil exists. They believe we can have a dialogue with any malevolent dictator that comes along. Of course, how can one believe terrorism is a threat when he/she believes that global warming is the greater threat? It is like an alcoholic who is in a continuous state of denial.
I don’t believe the Democrats or liberals understand what would happen if a nuclear bomb were ever detonated or some other WMD were released on United States Soil. Either they don’t understand, or they are just being intellectually dishonest. First, terrorists will try to release a WMD in several major cities. The economy will come to a screeching halt. Life as we know it will change forever. Immediately, there will be a 50% unemployment rate, panic will set in, the stock market will crash, and the global economy will fall making the depression in the 30s look like a recession. Everyone will be asking themselves why the government didn't do anything. The liberals will start screaming why we weren't wiretapping, etc just like they do now with the war. Well, if the government had trouble handling a minor situation like hurricane Katrina, how do you think they will handle a WMD? It will be every man for himself. Radical Islam understands this better than most Westerners. We will not recover from this scenario in our lifetime.
Intel, a fortune 500 company, was a manufacturer of computer chips. But in the early 1980's Intel was on the verge of bankruptcy, The Japanese began to produce these same computer chips at a much cheaper price. Andrew Grove, the former CEO and holocaust survivor coined a new term "inflection point" in his book, Only the Paranoid Survive. An inflection point is a turning point in a company's life. Either change with the times or fail. Intel's time came when the Japanese were able to manufacture computer chips at much cheaper prices. Grove had to revamp Intel from manufacturing computer chips to manufacturing microprocessors, a huge endeavor. Intel created the first microprocessor. Intel once again began to thrive. I love that phrase, and I use it often - Only the paranoid survive. In other words, if we are not careful, we, as a nation will not survive.
I mentor a nursing student. She is 25 years old, and she is always afraid the nursing program will drop her, because it is tough program even though she consistently performs above average. But, if she ever fell below 70%, the program would drop her without batting an eye. It is also very difficult to even get into the nursing programs because nursing schools are so impacted. I tell her, remember the phrase, “Only the paranoid survive.” If she becomes lackadaisical, she will suffer and the nursing staff could drop her from the program. She always has to be on her toes.
Islam has always had as its goal the domination of the world. You can see that in history where it conquered and controlled nations for centuries. You can see that when Islam slowly took over Lebanon, and you can see that in Europe as the Muslims continue to Islamize Europe. Islam spreads its ideology in several ways; by brute force, by immigration and by birthrate. The birthrate in Europe for Muslims is 7 to 1, and for Europeans it is less than 2 to 1. You need a birthrate of at least 2.1 to just maintain a society. After awhile there will be a point where there are so many, it will be almost impossible to control.
In the last French elections, pro-American Nicolas Sarkozy was elected over France’s Hillary Clinton, Ségolène Royale. Since the inception of France’s fifth republic and its first president Charles De Gaulle, France has moved further and further to the left. France like much of Europe had very liberal immigration policies because they wanted to help the indigent immigrants. This was not unlike Lebanon. Islamic immigrants began pouring in with no intention of ever assimilating into French society. The Muslim population currently represents about 45% of the people on France’s social welfare system. The French for years have been uneasy with the immigration problem. Most French however ignored the problem for fear of being called racists or bigots. After the Muslim youth rioted throughout France, French citizens had enough, and Sarkozy won a mandate. Like the United States, and most of the Western world, we do not heed the warning signs until it is too late.
It is interesting to note that Britain, Germany and France have ratcheted up the rhetoric that military force may be necessary to prevent Iran from obtaining the bomb.
The Democrats carp about our civil liberties, they carp about the patriot act, they carp about wiretapping and they carp about anything that will help against the war with Radical Islam. I would rather have my civil liberties a bit curtailed for a little bit of safety. Of course, No liberal can ever point to anything different that has prevented them from doing what they did before 9/11. In other words, big brother is not watching anymore now than it was then. Google keeps records of anyone who enters anything into its search engine with the corresponding ISP address. You visit porn sites, Google will know about it. You visit hate sites, Google will know about it, Google knows what you look at and its advertisement is target specific. By knowing the sites you visit, Google can target its advertising to specific markets. The majority of sites you visit will generate small software programs in your computer called cookies. Most are innocuous, but some track sites you visits. In effect anyone who uses the Internet is being monitored by third party entities more than any government entity, but liberals continue to use the Internet, and you never hear them carp about their civil liberties being abused by Google or any other third party. If ever there were a nuclear bomb dropped, civil liberties would no longer be a matter of importance. Survival would be paramount in people’s minds, and the blame game would begin (irrespective of the president's party affiliation) everyone will ask the question why wasn’t enough done? “Remember Katrina!” will be the battle cry.
During the American Civil war, on April 27, 1861 Lincoln suspended the writ of Habeas Corpus. This was a necessary evil, but a necessary tool to effectively prosecute the war against the Confederacy. The writ of Habeas Corpus requires that a person be charged with a crime or let go. Just today fourteen "high value" terrorism suspects at Guatanamo Bay have been offered attorneys - another victory for the liberals. Have we gone completely insane? Democrats even want to close Gitmo. We have actually recaptured or killed former detainees on the battlefield that we have previously released. That is Hillary's "suspension of disbelief."
Every leading Democrat believed Sadaam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction Now the Democrats are in backpedal mode. This is no longer an American war, it is Bush’s war. Since when did any war become the president’s war? The reason is simple – it’s Bush derangement syndrome, the Democrats hate Bush so much, they will do anything to try and destroy him. They want power back so much.
In Walid Shoebat’s book, “Why we want to kill you,” Walid describes an Islamic term “Hudna.” Hudna is simply a “ceasefire” in Islam, but not as we westerners would think of a “ceasefire.”. “Hudna is meant to produce a period of calm with an enemy in order to gain concessions, regroup, rearm, and re-attack at an appropriate time.”
If Muslims are weak, a truce may be made for ten years if necessary, for the prophet made a truce with the Quraysh for that long as is related by Abu Dawud (‘Umdat as-salik, 09,16) .
This is exactly what happened with Hamas and Israel. Israel was made to look like the villain and Hamas the victim. Condoleeza Rice arranged a ceasefire with the maladroit Olmert without ever retrieving the soldiers for whom the country went to war. This was about the most inane outcome that could have ever transpired with Hamas and Israel. Iran saw how weak we were, and we fell right into Hamas’ hand. They just went into “Hudna.”
Why is Islam so strong? It is because of all the petrodollars we send to them. We have become so reliant on Middle Eastern oil, that now it is hard to extricate ourselves from it. At a time when more oil is being found in Mexico, Australia, the Soviet Union, and the list goes on, we sit on our hands while the Democrats prevent us from drilling in a cold pinprick of a wasteland in Alaska. We have oil throughout the United States, but the Democrats block us from getting it. We send our nuclear technology to France while the Democrats block us from building nuclear plants here. Only recently, Texas applied for two new nuclear reactors. The nuclear reactors may get built, not because of energy independence, however but because of another fraud perpetrated by the Democrats to which many Republicans have now succumbed, global warming. Of course, I don’t care what the reason; nuclear reactors need to be built. Research in alternative fuels is fine, but why don’t we use what we know works first?
Sims then points out that Iran doesn’t want us to leave Iraq. That is a new one on me. Not sure where he gets that from. I didn't even think liberals even thought that. Ahmadinejad is sending in insurgents to kill Americans and conducting proxy wars whereever he can in order to keep us there. Doesn't quite make sense to kill Americans if you want them to stay. Does it? Ahmadinejad wants to be the power in the Middle East just like Sadaam Hussein wanted to be, and the oil fields in Iraq will help a long way in that endeavor When we left Vietnam, Pol Pot slaughtered millions, and millions more were enslaved in forced labor camps. We paid no attention. There would be no difference with Iran and Iraq. We don’t learn the lessons from the past, but Ahmadinejad does. His economy is in shambles, and getting control of the oil fields would mollify the Iranian population.
Remember Sadaam Hussein? When we left after the first gulf war, the opposition tried to overthrow him, and Sadaam Hussein crushed it. Why would it be any different with Iran?
We already know now what happened when Ahmadinejad returned to Iran after speaking at Columbia University. The Iranian people heard the applauses from the “useful idiots”, and they walked away with the conclusion that the Iranian press is not bad, because we agreed with Ahmadinejad. Mark another win for Ahmadinejad and another loss for the United States.
It's no wonder Islam believes it is winning. It's 1939 once again.
First of all: Not a Democrat. Anyone who defines themselves by a political party is a mouth-breathing chump. Moving on...
Secondly, please do not psychoanalyze me and attempt to tell me in what I do or do not believe. I do believe there are lunatics out there who want to kill people en masse. Lots of them are Muslim, but there are plenty of Christian, Jewish and insert-sect-here who feel the same way. Crazy is crazy.
What I do not believe is that I have anything to fear from these people, statistically speaking. I am one person, not terribly important, and no one is after me. Check the statistics for causes of death in any year you want, including 2001, and "Death by Terror Attack" won't make the top 20. I'm far more concerned about the guy in the pickup truck with the magnetic ribbon getting drunk and smashing into me than I am about al Qaeda. I can read statistics, and facts are facts. These people just don't worry me here at home.
But let's do the nuclear bomb scenario that you "24" watchers love so much. Let's say they manage to set off dirty suicase bombs in, what the hell, ten US cities simultaneously. Do you mind if we kill off a nice round number, like 100,000 Americans? Is that scary enough for you yet?
There would be economic fallout, to be sure, and I'm confident I as a taxpayer would, for no good reason, get to bail out some airlines again. You go ahead and quantify 50% unemployment, as opposed to 51, 49, or 4.6%, please. You have your funny number pulled out of the air, I'm going to go ahead and say 500,000 Americans die in this hypothetical attack. You know, just in case 100,000 wasn't as scary as 50% unemployment. Jeez, man, even at the depths of the Great Depression, the unemployment rate only peaked at 24.9%.
Fifty percent? Come on! You really think American business is going to fall apart because of a few hundred thousand dead? After all, it's not like they're necessarily customers. The smart ones will just go into the lead-lined coffin business.
And to call me naive or pacifist merely indicates that you think you can paint people with a single brush. Try this: We should have invaded Saudi Arabia five years ago. Any of your candy-ass chickenhawks calling for this bold move? I don't think so. Radical Islam does want a world takeover, even if it hasn't got a hope in hell of bringing it off. (That's why they are religious fanatics, see?) Where is the center of the Wahhabist movement? Hmmm? Anyone?
It seems to me that if you don't think that we should attack Saudi Arabia and kill as many of its citizens as possible, then it is you who do not understand the problem. I've never heard one single Republican make that case. I'd like your thoughts on why that is, unless it's because a full 20% of the 9/11 hijackers weren't from Saudi Arabia.
I would rather have my civil liberties a bit curtailed for a little bit of safety.
I know, I know, Benjamin Franklin was a bleeding-heart liberal. I don't even want to think what you'd put up with to get the trains to run on time. Good God, man...
it’s Bush derangement syndrome, the Democrats hate Bush so much, they will do anything to try and destroy him. They want power back so much.
I don't want power back. I just want my country back. Those living in fear want to hide behind daddy to protect them from the bad men. Man up, nancy. I will live like an American, saying what I want, going where I want, believing what I want. And if I am to die in a terrorist attack, then at least I will not have wasted my life being paranoid and frightened. Life is too short, and according to you people, COULD END AT ANY MOMENT. Live your life, to hell with these radicals.
Why is Islam so strong? It is because of all the petrodollars we send to them.
If only someone would set an agenda, an Apollo program as it were, to get this country off of Middle Eastern oil. If only...
I suppose we'd need some sort of large, national tragedy to get us motivated that way. Feh, never happen, right?
Democrats block us from building nuclear plants here.
That's part of it, yes, but no one is really busting their asses lobbying to get them built. I wish they'd build 100 nuke plants in the next ten years in this country. If the environmentalists want electric cars, we'll need to get the power from somewhere. Nuclear is the cleanest, workable option right now. I'm completely for nuclear power.
I'll close by asking, do you really not see how Ahmadinejad benefits by having us in Iraq? It allows him to whip up nationalist fervor by pointing at us as a threat to Iran. I'm sure he says things like "Do you see how Bush attacks me in speeches? It is because he fears me, and he would attack Iran to remove me, as he did Iraq to remove Saddam." It's a dream scenario for a politically weak leader who presides over a stagnant economy, has dwindling support, and is dependent on fundamentalist nutjobs for inspiration.
Damn, I can't even remember if I'm talking about Ahmadenijad anymore...
I do identify myself as a conservative Republican but in the vein of Reagan not Bush. I believe in limited government, a strong defense, anti-abortion, etc. All of these are conservative principles to which I adhere. I believe if we stuck to these principles, the conservatives would win the elections. It is however because Bush has strayed in such a big way that angers so many conservatives, and not just for his war in Iraq. If there were a Democrat who believed in these principles, I would vote for him/her, but that is why we have two parties, because both parties have different mindsets. Hillary is going to kill the economy.
I do believe, however, that while the average Republican still holds traditional conservative values, the Democrat party has been hijacked by the far-left with powerful groups such as the Daily Kos and Moveon.org.
You say lots of people who want to kill us are Muslim, but there are also plenty of Christians, Jews who want to do the same. That is news to me. It is also straw man’s argument. I do not know any Christian putting on suicide belts. But I do Keep hearing that argument. Grant it there is a fringe element in any religion that wants to do people harm, but in Christianity it is really on the fringe. It is not the fringe in Islam. It is the teachings of Islam to kill the Infidel. Christianity was never based on violence. Christ never preached violence, and he told us to go and preach to all nations but never through violence. Muhammad, on the other hand, preached violence and according to Islam if the dhimmi (that's you and me, the infidel) does not succumb to Islam, then the Muslim is mandated to kill the infidel. There is a huge difference between the two religions.
I can debate that argument ad infinitum. I heard one so-called moderate Muslim mention the passage of Christ when he says, “
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it." (Matthew 10:34-39 NASB)
Obviously, the Muslim did not understand the passage nor the context in which Christ spoke. He was not preaching violence.
You tell me statistically speaking, you don't have much too worry about. I guess one could have said that before we entered into World War 2. Between 60 and 70 million people died (military and civilian) during the World War 2 conflict. A statistic is only good until something greater comes along that skews the statistic. The fact is Iran wants to destroy Israel and the West, and given a chance Ahmadinejad will do just that. I am not quite sure about your analogy on the drunken guy. He would concern me too, but no less than Radical Islam.
I do love 24 - great show, but I don't base my decisions on that show. I actually do believe in certain cases we should torture, but I may be a minority in that decision. I believe we should torture if we have intelligence that tells us of an impending threat to American citizens. I do not consider water boarding torture.
Yes, 50% was a number I pulled out of my hat. You say the depression was 29%. I told you the scenario will be worse - the point is this - a scenario such as I have described will cause panic on a mammoth scale, one you can't even imagine. People will stop buying things, and a spiral effect will occur. If major cities are hit, cities will be uninhabitable for possibly decades. I understand business, and yes, business will fall apart. It is not the hundred thousand dead that will cause the collapse of the economy. It is the confidence to the financial system and confidence in the government. When that is shattered, the economy goes with it. When a stock market crash occurs, just think of the Margin calls which will transpire which will only feed the panic. You will not be able to leave your home because the roads will be blocked, and everyone will be trying to get out even when there is no where to go. And, you can say what you will, but that is the reality.
You say you want our country back, so do I, that is why I want to win the war. That is why I want supreme court justices to stop legislating from the bench, that is why I want true free speech instead of the left trying to put in laws like the fairness doctrine to restrain free speech because the left fails at talk radio, that is why I want the corrupt George Soros to stop funding hate groups such as moveon.org whose rhetoric can even hit the floor of the senate, that is why I believe groups like the ACLU should be stopped to allow us to properly prosecute a war against our enemies. I want to stop heading the way of Socialist Europe whose taxes are so high, no one can get even ahead. Most people in Spain (a first world country) live in pisos (or floors) because they can’t afford single family dwellings. When Hillary gets into office, and starts increasing taxes, you will see the stock market take a dive. The investor class is petrified of Hillary. If it appears Hillary is going to win the election, investors will start dumping their stocks including me, because her first agenda item will be to increase the capital gains taxes. We will not be out of the woods with regards to this housing crisis for several years, so we will still be in it even when she enters the White House, and Hillarycare, and her increase in taxes will only serve to compound the problem.. I do not want to be in the stock market when she starts taxing everyone to death. And now, she wants to give $5,000 dollars to every child? That includes anchor babies and the babies of Bill Gates. You are right life is short, but I would rather be prudent about how I manage my affairs. Why save money for retirement? My wife says what happens if we die tomorrow? And I reply what happens if we live tomorrow? I would rather get rid of the threats around me if I can than live with them. With your reasoning, Why have an army? Why have intelligence agencies? If we are going to get attacked, why wait? Why not now?
Saudi Arabia continues to fund madrassas that generate more terrorists. So, I no not trust Saudi Arabia. But, Saudi Arabia is not a current threat. - Iran is. And maybe there will come a time when we need to go after Saudi Arabia.
I am sure you will agree if we can be free of Middle Eastern oil, then we would have much less to fear. The Middle East has no product but oil (which the British discovered). We take away the petrodollars, we take away their power.
I wonder what the left would be like today if we had the same media during World War 2. I don’t think we would have ever won the war. World War 2 was the most brutal conflict in the history of the world, and at times, we were wondering if we were winning. After the landing at Normandy, we discovered the Germans were a formidable fighting force. We had battles where our men were slaughtered. If we go to war, we should go to win. War is brutal. PBS is currently airing a great series about World War 2. The Japanese tried to reach our mainland, but they didn’t but they would have if they could have, just like Radical Islam will try hitting us if they can.
I am not sure what you mean by Benjamin Franklin. That one flew over my head. We don’t use trains her for a mode of transportation. It was said Mussolini was able to get the trains to run on time. Other than that, I am lost by that statement.
Actually, I am glad to hear you are for nuclear power plants, and as for lobbying for them, I think that is starting. As I said, Texas has introduced two plans for two new reactors – it could be the beginning. But every Democrat in the debates said they were against nuclear power plants. Edwards was so naïve, he said we don’t know what to do with the waste. France recycles 95% of the waste. The candidates don’t even do cursory research. I think Hillary uses Michael Moore’s playbook. Obviously, if France is running 90% of their power by nuclear power, something is happening to the waste, but Edwards doesn’t even look into it before he opens his mouth. Why not just say, “I haven’t looked into it, but I will, and I will get back to you.”
And I will close by saying no; I don’t see how Ahmadinejad benefits from us being in Iraq. We should already be bombing the facilities that manufacture any bombs or weapons made in Iran that are going across the borders, and we should be bombing any terrorist camp. According to Fox News, we know where these facilities and camps are. I believe Ahmadinejad whips up national fervor by speaking at our universities (free speech in our constitution refers to American citizens not to foreigners.) If we left Iraq, he would invade Iraq necessitating our return (unless the Democrats are in power, then they just might allow the slaughter.)
There is another term in Islam called, “Taquiyya.” This term encompasses the lies and deception among Muslims. Islam is based on deception. The lies are repeated in conversations and among everyday topics. This is why the Middle East was so surprised when we took Sadaam down – they thought he was winning. This is why they believe Usama is a great man for what he did to the United States, but at the same time they don’t believe the Muslims were involved with 9/11. “Taquiyya” has spread the following lies Jews use the blood of Muslim children in Passover, Israel is sending AIDS-infecting prostitutes to spread the disease by seducing young Muslim boys, the Jews build “ovens” to bake Palestinians, the Holocaust never happened, and the list goes on.
In other words, the youth in Iran would be lied to if we were in Iraq or not. Ahmadinejad would find ways. But, Ahmadinejad is spending treasury to fight a proxy war, and their economy is already faltering. There are long gas lines, etc. That is what impacts the average Iranian.
So, there are actually some things I think we agree on, and others where we are on opposite poles.
Sir, your fear of everything is unbecoming.
How do you get out of bed each day when your world is so fragile and so many people want to hurt you and your way of life?
A fringe (Yes, fringe. 1 billion Muslims, several thousand actively participating in jihad) element of homicidal maniacs wage war around the globe, and you are willing to fold up the Constitution and hide under the bed with it.
You love this war, and believe in every part of it, and when the check comes, you point at your unborn grandchildren and say, "They've got it." These are not the actions of mature adults, it is the wish-thinking of children.
Your implication that things I say that you do not agree with are a "straw man's argument" is the equivalent of changing the subject by saying to your opponent, "Well, now you're changing the subject." It's effective if no one is really paying attention. I am paying attention. Hell, I'm still sorting through the utter non sequitur at the end of the first paragraph. Where did that panicked sentence come from?
And the hackneyed tactic of calling one's self a Reagan conservative while supporting Bush and other elected officials who have systematically wrecked Goldwater-type conservatism doesn't wash with me. The candidate you would support with true conviction no longer exists because the conservative/reactionary fringe (which you claim does not exist, see: Christian Coalition) has murdered that sensibility. To claim that the Democratic Party is any more beholden to it's rafter monkeys than the GOP is to its own is either hopelessly naive, or brutally dishonest. The President has a 27% approval rate. Who do you think those people are?
To paraphrase, you are either with him, or you are against him. I'm afraid that you claim to be perched on a fence, insisting that your feet are clean of the muck in the partisan pigpens beneath your feet. If true conservatives do nothing to stop irresponsible governance, then you may as well stop pretending to be anything other than willing enablers of calamitous policy.
And since you brought it up, I'm pretty concerned that anyone who sees no value in an organization like the American Civil Liberties Union, a group dedicated to defending the rights of you and me to express any moronic opinion we wish, may not really have a true understanding of the freedoms we enjoy. You take them for granted, and never fail to say that brave men die in battle to abstractly defend these rights, while in the same breath, slam the men and women who concretely defend them through legal means afforded under our system of laws. Can you explain that disconnect to me? Are you even aware that you suffer under the delusion that they aren't the exact same thing?
You have fear of psychotics on the other side of the world who want to kill us. I fear the cowards already among us that would rather live under limited freedoms for the illusion of a little safety.
Or to clarify, as said more eloquently by Benjamin Franklin: Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
And you most definitely gathered the right reference, vis a vis Il Duce, so I must ask: Sir, once again, what on Earth are you willing to give up to assure that the trains run on time?
My answer, as ever, remains "Not one damned thing."
PLEASE DELETE THIS: For future reference, when you comment on stuff at my blog, you have to go back to the comment spot at the top of the post, otherwise the comment appears on the previous post. I've tried to move it, but I'm challenged in that regard. Many thanks, and be well.
Who said I fear everything? Fearing everything and being a realist are different things.
It is not a fringe element that wants to hurt the US. (the 1 billion you pulled out of your hat) It may be a fringe who actively is trying to see our destruction. Muslim children want to become martyrs; Muslims celebrate throughout the Middle East when Americans are killed. Why are there no Muslim websites in Arabic condemning terrorism? In the Middle East, if you are not actively engaged in Jihad, then you at least tacitly approve.
I don’t love any war. 60 million people died in World War 2, but it was necessary. You have to be insane to love war. I want to win against our enemy.
I say it’s a straw man’s argument, because I don’t even believe you believe your own argument. I didn’t change the subject, I answered it if you read further. If you missed it, here was the answer:
“I do not know any Christian putting on suicide belts. But I do keep hearing that argument. Grant it there is a fringe element in any religion that wants to do people harm, but in Christianity it is really on the fringe. It is not the fringe in Islam. It is the teachings of Islam to kill the Infidel. Christianity was never based on violence. Christ never preached violence, and he told us to go and preach to all nations but never through violence. Muhammad, on the other hand, preached violence and according to Islam if the dhimmi (that's you and me, the infidel) does not succumb to Islam, then the Muslim is mandated to kill the infidel. There is a huge difference between the two religions”
I can debate that argument ad infinitum. I heard one so-called moderate Muslim mention the passage of Christ when he says, “
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it." (Matthew 10:34-39 NASB)
Obviously, the Muslim did not understand the passage nor the context in which Christ spoke. He was not preaching violence.”
The president has a 27% approval rating, but congress has a 11% approval rating. Who do you think those people are? - maybe the congress’ families. I have no idea who represents the 27%, but I think his shamnesty plan, his overspending, and not his prosecution of the war, but the way he prosecuted it did him in. I believe we needed to go to war, and I still believe we need victory.
You say I am either with him or against him, huh? You mean I have to agree with everything he does to be a true conservative. I guess that is why Democrats didn't care less that Clinton lied under oath. Nothing Clinton did would have changed the adulation the liberals have of him.
The ACLU I believe start out as an institution that wanted to protect an individual’s civil liberty, but if you look at who the ACLU is now, you will find it has an agenda, a far-left agenda. They are not concerned about one’s civil rights unless it serves their far-left agenda. Since when does NAMBLA need it’s civil rights protected.
I wonder if Ben Franklin would have said the same thing today. Have you ever visited England? On a typical day, a person is photographed 300 times a day. England has cameras every where for security reasons, but I don't think you will find too many people complaining.
Didn’t know that about the blog, I will make certain I will go to the top of the post when I comment on your blog.
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