Tuesday, January 27, 2009

He is the Man Who Makes My Cup of Tea Every Morning.

Note: The video may be a little shaky at times but I didn't have a tripod.

Saturday, we decided to drive to Danville, an hour away to see the celebration of U.S. Airways pilot Captain Chesley "Sulley" Sullenberg lll, the man responsible for ditching an Airbus 320 on the Hudson River and saving 155 passengers from the cold and frigid waters of New York – an amazing feat. After the plane landed, the pilot then walked the length of the plane twice to make sure there was no one left behind. We arrived in the city at around noon. Parking was difficult as throngs of people descended on the little town of Danville to welcome Sulley. As we arrived, we saw vans upon vans from different media organizations carrying huge satellite dishes erected atop each company's vehicle lining the streets that lead up to the Town Green. Thousands of people from all walks of life just kept arriving to welcome this unassuming hero.

The weather forecast called for rain all weekend, but the day turned out to be somewhat nice albeit a little cool. A small breeze blew among the crowds and a smattering of U.S. flags could be seen fluttering in the wind from different people with an occasional sign lifted high in the air with accolades of Sulley's heroism. At times, the skies became overcast, but the rain – try as it might – could not break through. From time to time, a little drizzle would dampen the ground, but in the end, the crowds remained relatively dry.

"He is the man who makes my cup of tea." Said Captain Sullenberg's wife as she introduced her husband. Captain Sullenberg rose, he spoke succinctly and to the point, "Thank you all. We were only doing our job."- true but as the mayor of Danville pointed out, "There are 155 people alive today at home with their families because of his heroic efforts."

Thousands of people cheered and chanted "Sulley, Sulley, Sulley". Fathers were lifting their sons and daughters on their shoulders so the children could get a glimpse of this man. Captain Sullenberg's feat will undoubtedly be written about in the pages of aviation history alongside Charles Lindberg and Amelia Earhart. Marching bands, color guards, bagpipes, and a former American Idol contestant singing the national anthem were all part of the celebration. Thousands of people cheered as Captain Sullenberg entered the stage. He was given a U.S. flag – Old Glory - that once flew over the Capitol of California and the keys to the city of Danville. Various dignitaries stood up to sing his praises. A pilot flew over the skies with his plane in deference to the man. Captain Sullenberg was deserving of the praises and accolades he received.

The chants of "Sulley! Sulley! Sulley!" could be heard among the crowd, and it was certainly a refreshing change from the chants that were echoed during the presidential inauguration in praise of the liberal's new god, "Obama! Obama! Obama!"

It was inspirational to watch this town honor this man.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was invited, but he was nowhere to be found. He was probably in Sacramento working on some global warming initiative to further screw California citizens.

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