And now for a Spanish lesson. Here you see an exchange betweem socialist president Zapatero of Spain speaking to Hugo Chavez with deference while Chavez continuously tries to interrupt him. Chavez calls former president Spanish Jose Aznar "a fascist." Zapatero tries to explain to Chavez that Jose Aznar was duly elected by the Spanish people. Zapatero says, "I demand respect," and Hugo Chavez continues his diatribe. Suddenly, the king of Spain interjects, "Porque no te callas?" Why don't you shut up?
I just loved the sound of that
It was king Juan Carlos who transitioned Spain from a dictatorship after the death of Franco in 1975 to a democracy.
and on another note - yesterday, was veteran's day. We saw a house welcoming back a son from Iraq so we stopped and thanked him for his service. If you see a man in uniform stop and thank him for his service.
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